Notes for Sunday 3 September 2023

Dear friends,

My stint as editor of the weekly notes has come to an end. Rev Liz has already edited some last month, when I was too busy with the Capel Show, and will continue until someone else is prepared to take it on. Please contact her if you have any questions or are considering to take it on.

I will keep sending these emails but after begging for a year there are still around 50 people who haven’t signed up to receive these notes via the church website. If that is you, please read the following carefully:

* If you have no alternative but to receive these notes directly from me. Please let me know by return email and I will make sure you keep receiving them.
* If you can sign up, please do so as soon as possible using the link at the bottom of the page.
* If you have tried to sign up but struggled to make it work, please let me know and I will help you.
* If I don’t hear from you either way in the next month I assume you no longer wish to receive the notes and I will respect your wishes and delete you from the list (in accordance with data protection rules).

The picture today is of the bridge I made for the Capel Show. It enables access to the show by disabled people who are now required to park in the public car park field (kindly offered for the day by Marilyn and Ollie Turner). It is wide (and sturdy) enough for a mobility scooter or wheelchair and reusable for many shows to come.

God bless,

Dineke van den Bogerd


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Post expires at 11:23am on Monday September 2nd, 2024