InSpire Magazine

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Below you will find the last 12 issues of InSpire, our monthly faith based magazine.

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Issue 87 September 2024

“September whispers to the soul, reminding us of the beauty in change and the joy in new beginnings.” Unknown Lots of regular articles and puzzles in the September issue, together with updates on recent fundraising events and those to come in the Autumn, namely the Harvest Supper and Murder Mystery play, together with the Capel Christmas Fair. Lots to look forward to! September24_autocol.pdf Post expires at 4:44pm on Friday August 29th, 2025Read More »

Issue 86 August 2024

A packed summer issue with all the regular features plus information about The Okewood, Ockley & Forest Green Summer Fair and Flower show and The Capel Show, both in August. A Breton fisherman’s prayer Protect me, dear Lord; My boat is so small, And Your sea is so big. August-24_autocol.pdf Post expires at 9:53pm on Thursday July 31st, 2025Read More »

July 2024 Issue 85

Welcome to the August issue.  This month sees the start of the 2024 Olympics.  Canon Paul Hardingham reflects on the writer of Hebrews 12:1-2 who when describing the Christian life as a ‘marathon race’ challenges us to finish well.  We also have articles celebrating the athlete Eric Liddell who the film ‘Chariots of Fire’ was based upon and celebrate ‘Sea Sunday’ on 14th July where we remember seafarers everywhere and give thanks for all they do. It is also holiday season! “Sand between your toes … ocean breeze … blue sky … Glorious gifts from a generous God” July-24-autocolour.pdf Post expires at 1:23pm on Wednesday July 2nd, 2025Read More »

Issue 84 June 2024

Welcome to the June issue with plenty of current news, the regular puzzle pages, Junior InSpire and Father’s Day on 16th June. Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Inspire June 2024.pdf Post expires at 1:44pm on Sunday June 1st, 2025Read More »

Issue 83 May 2024

The May 2024 issue marks Ascension day and Pentecost.  Also details and more information on the following, all happening in May:- Christian Aid Week – 12th – 18th May Prayer for Schools Fortnight – 6th to 20th May 13th-20th May – Mental Health Awareness week A few words from the Pentecost Poetic prayer for Pentecost by Alan Millichip featured in this issue. “Out they went to every corner, Fearless as they spread the word; Bringing light to those in darkness, Giving hope to all that heard.” May_autocol_website.pdf Post expires at 2:46pm on Friday May 2nd, 2025Read More »

April 2024 Issue 82

Welcome to April’s InSpire with lots of topical articles, puzzles, quizzes and much more! As we begin to celebrate Spring and all it’s beauty, this is a particularly poignant quote: “The probability of life originating by accident is comparable to the probability of the complete Oxford dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing factory”. – Edwin Conklin April_autocolour.pdf Post expires at 7:42pm on Tuesday April 1st, 2025Read More »

Issue 81 March 2024

Welcome to the March issue where we look at Lent, Easter and Mothering Sunday. “Each morning we must raise the sails of our boat and go where the Spirit leads. He brings the wind and He governs the speed and direction, but we must co-operate by ensuring that we join Him on the journey.” Anon. March24_autocolour.pdf Post expires at 7:13pm on Saturday March 1st, 2025Read More »

February 2024 Issue 80 Lent 2024

Our 80th issue and this month we look forward to Lent 2024 and all that we have on offer to mark it as a Parish.  All the usual features plus a NEW monthly quiz! No man ever said, at the end of his days, ‘I have read my Bible too much, I have thought of God too much, I have prayed too much, I have been too careful with my soul.’ J. C. Ryle February24_autocolour.pdf Issue 80 – February 24 Post expires at 1:25pm on Saturday February 1st, 2025Read More »

January 2024 Issue 79

Happy new year to all our readers!  A packed issue to see in the New Year with the regular items and some interesting articles and puzzles to while away the cold, dark January days! A New Year’s Resolution To begin with oneself, but not to end with oneself; To start from oneself, but not to aim at oneself; To comprehend oneself, but not to be preoccupied with oneself. By Martin Buber (Austrian born Jewish philosopher) January-2024.pdf Post expires at 10:43am on Thursday January 2nd, 2025Read More »

Issue no 78 November 2023

The November issue marks Remembrance Sunday and there will be services at both churches, including cafe church at Capel. “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them”. Remember … ‘Even if prayers are not answered in the way we want or hope for, the act of praying changes the one who prays’. November_2023_autocol.pdf Post expires at 11:55am on Monday October 28th, 2024Read More »

Issue 74 July 2023

pdf iconAnother packed issue for summer!  There are some holiday tips, a special Café Church letter on climate change and the continuing series of Spiritual Disciplines looking this month at ‘Solitude’ and much more! Wishing everyone a happy July! “A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken.”(James Dent) July2023_autocol1.pdfRead More »

Issue 42 September 2020 Jesus the Gate of the Sheep

pdf iconWelcome to September’s issue of InSpire.  Lots of news items from The Church Times and Parish Pump, things to make you smile, the usual puzzle pages and a fascinating article written by one of our parishioners Chris Cooper regarding his connection with the Bluebell Railway. Issue-42_full-colour.pdfRead More »

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