Notes for Sunday 11 June 2023

Dear friends,

First and foremost, please be informed that there are changes to the service in Ockley this Sunday: contrary to previous notes, a Holy Communion service will be held at the normal time in St Margaret’s.

What beautiful weather it has been recently and it doesn’t look like changing any time soon. I enjoyed a wonderful walk this week to the north of Capel (see picture). The colours were beautiful and the air was full of birds and insects. Luckily we have had a very wet spring so the birds have been able to feed their young due to the relatively soft soil. Let’s hope that stems the tide of decline in numbers of our feathered friends for a while.

Attached is the menu for Eco cafe church. It promises to be an enlightening service so please come if you can. The theme is ‘If not now, then when?’

God bless,

Dineke van den Bogerd

Post expires at 12:30pm on Monday June 10th, 2024