My apologies that this email is rather late this week, I have spent much of today enjoying the sunshine and atmosphere at Mark Sugden Best’s fundraiser for Myeloma UK. He asked the church to help by providing teas which we duly did in his lovely garden. Whilst most people were more interested in the swimming pool and live music we did have a number of takers and have hopefully raised some mosey towards this worthwhile cause. Thank you to everyone who helped or made cakes, particularly Eric and Jessie Sutcliffe, David Silliman, Gill Christie, Helen Burt and of course Liz and Doug.
Tomorrow’s services are as follows:
9.30am. Matins Ockley
10.30am Family Communion with baptism of Ivy Sewell Capel
I do hope you all manage to stay cool in the heat wave that is promised for the early part of next week – remember church is likely to be one of the coolest places so you could always pop in for some respite!
Lastly, the photo of the week – the wonderful view from Polesden Lacey as you look down over the valley with Ranmore beyond, what a beautiful area we live in!
With love and prayers
Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008