Please let everyone know who doesn’t have access to our newsletters that there is no cafe church tomorrow. Instead we will be having a joint parish service of communion at Ockley at 9.30am. This is a change to the advertised services and has been updated on our website.
You will be pleased to hear that we had a fantastic weekend last weekend at the Capel Military Show taking over £8,000 over the two days – who knew coffee and cake could be worth that much!! There are of course a lot of costs to be deducted including a payment of 15% to the Military Show for Help for Heroes the charity the show supports. I should be able to tell you soon what the actual profit figure is but we are expecting it to be over £4,000. Huge thanks should go to Norman Ede who masterminded the event and Leigh Smith who co-ordinated all the cake baking.
Also, an update on the Vicarage fete profits, which you will recall go in full to our local schools – the fete raised £2,373 – thank you to everyone who was involved.
There is one more fundraising event at which we would like your help. Next weekend 16 July Mark Sugden-Best will be holding his annual charity fundraiser for Myeloma UK. Myeloma is an incurable blood cancer which can be controlled for some years with the correct drugs and interventions. Mark has asked whether we would all make our favourite cakes which will be served at his event next Saturday. There is a list in our churches for you to sign to say what flavour cake you will make and whether you can help on the day to serve them. Please do email Jessie Sutcliffe jessie.sutcliffe@tiscali.co.uk if you have any questions.
Lastly our picture of the week is a view from the bridge in Betchworth along the river Mole.
With love and prayers
Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008