weekly news sheet 25 April 2021

Dear Friends

What a beautiful week of sunshine we’ve had! I hope you’ve all managed to get out and enjoy it, we’ve had some wonderful walks as witnessed by this week’s photo which is a view of Polesden Lacey from the Ranmore side of the valley.

Attached to this missive are quite a few documents as it is our annual APCM tomorrow where we review what’s happened over the previous year, put the accounts forward for formal approval and elect/re-elect members of the PCC who are coming to the end of their term of office. The Annual Review and the Accounts are attached along with the independent examiners report, the agenda for the APCM and last year’s minutes. If you are coming to the meeting at 11.30 tomorrow at Capel (after the 10.30 service) please do bring an electronic copy with you, I can print off a few hard copies if you ask me to, but will not have spare ones with me as we are trying to save on paper!

I also attach the normal weekly sheet, the readings and the bishop’s sermon which this week is given by Peter Harwood director of mission at the diocese. The link for the Youtube video is here:

Lastly, 8 May is the day of our church teas in aid of TREEAID who are helping to fund the Great Green Wall. Please do come and support us, we’ll be open 3-5pm and will be serving the teas outside in the churchyard in line with Covid regulations. We could do with a couple of gazebos, if you have one we could borrow we would be most grateful, we are also looking for 2 or 3 helpers, so if you have a few hours to spare please reply to this email.

I look forward to seeing you in church whenever you feel ready to come, in the meantime if you would like any further assistance do let us know.

With love and prayers

Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008