Dear Friends,
Christmas comes early this year as the beautiful community Christmas trees gather once more to welcome everyone to church and bid us all a happy Christmas as we walk or drive past. I believe we have more than ever this year and because of the way the month falls they will be decorated and the lights switched on at the end of November (30th). Well Advent Sunday is the following day so we will then be counting down the days before Christmas Day, with many services and events happening in our churches this December. The usual Christmas services will be held with a choice on Christmas Day as to which church you would like to worship with family services at both churches. Communion will be offered at Ockley as well and of course at Capel we have Holy Communion at 11pm Christmas Eve. Christmas Day then is likely to be a celebration worship with traditional carols and readings. Both services are at 10am on Christmas Day. For our annual Nine Lessons and Carols we are celebrating these with our lovely village school Scott Broadwood staff and children this year. They will be helping us with some of the readings and some of the singing! We can’t wait! For the last two school terms we have been running a weekly afterschool Church Club for the children which has been a runaway success. We now have over half the school joining us each week and Mr Baguley says he has never known an afterschool activity to be so popular! How about that then? Bob and the band are holding a Christmas Café Church on December 8th. We have a very informal Christingle in the cosy surroundings of Ockley Cricket Pavilion later on the same day and the following Sunday, again at St Margaret’s church we have a whole parish communion with a blessing of the crib. At Capel we have our traditional Crib Service on Christmas Eve as usual. There are other carol events being held by the Capel Choral Society in church as well, so plenty to choose from. I am really looking forward to seeing you all, over the festive season.
At home at the Vicarage the Nativity will be assembled once again on our front lawn with the usual characters plus a couple of new animals! I am planning to have a QR code outside to collect donations for LeatherHead Start – formerly Leatherhead Night Shelter. LeatherHead Start provides emergency, direct access, short term accommodation for homeless men and women over the age of 18. I cannot think of a better charity to connect to our re imagination of the holy family all those years ago, sheltering in a stable. So please enjoy the nativity again this year and if you wish to you can donate. Alternatively please donate to another charity – that would be lovely.
Finally it with much sadness and regret that we have learned of the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth made public through the recent Makin Review. This led to the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby with various statements by senior clergy within the Church of England, one of which stated that the Church is not safe. I would like to reassure you all that the levels of safeguarding in the Dioceses are high and especially in Guildford Diocese. Our own Bishop of Guildford himself was a victim of Smyth’s abuse and he is very aware that the Makin Review may stir up very deep feelings for some who read it or have heard of it through the media. If you or anyone else has been affected by this report or any concerns about safeguarding please contact Safe Spaces on 0300 303 1056 or the Samaritans helpline on 116123. If you have any safeguarding concerns at all don’t hesitate to contact:
Revd Liz Richardson – 07837408239 / 01305 711260
Leigh de Souza – Parish Safeguarding Officer – 07732 825908
As we celebrate the feast of Christ the King this coming Sunday as I write just before Advent, let us remember that our ultimate refuge is in God made possible by his incarnation of his only Son Jesus whose birth we celebrate in a very little while! With all God’s richest blessings, love and prayers for Christmas and the year ahead! Enjoy!
Post expires at 12:03pm on Thursday November 27th, 2025