weekly news sheet 8 August 2021

Dear Friends

I do hope your week has gone well, we’ve had a lovely holiday with the family in Frome – 8 adults and 3 children in a massive house with huge gardens and a swimming pool. It was a delight to see everyone getting on so well, including the grandchildren. There is something very special about having a number of generations all together, and my grandson was particularly happy that he could beat his grandparents at any game we played.

Another special occasion that I have just been told about: Mr and Mrs James Moore have just celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary – congratulations to you both from all of us, a wonderful milestone.

This weeks readings and weekly sheets are attached. The services tomorrow are :
9.30 Holy communion at Ockley
10.30 Cafe church at the Crown Capel.
You will see that we have updated the Covid guidelines in each of our churches. Please do read them again, we want to make the transition to normal as gentle as possible to allow everyone to feel safe whilst in church.

Finally, you will see that the weekly sheets has a small section about the Dorking food bank. This is the time of year when stocks in the warehouse are at their lowest, so if you can donate canned or dry food please do leave it in the boxes in our churches.

This week’s photo is a throwback to this time last year – the view from Leith Hill early one morning, look at the sunshine!

With love and prayers

Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008
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