Dear Friends,
What a glorious week we’ve had! That is until the rain on Thursday and Friday, which has certainly replenished our gardens. A spent a delightful day on Wednesday visiting some friends who look after our old pony in Kent. It’s the first time I’ve managed to see them and her since last year. She’s 29 now and no longer ridden, but apart from a touch of arthritis is still going strong. She acts as nanny to my friend’s foal, who has worked out that she’ll do pretty much anything for a quiet life – so long as the foal doesn’t try and take her food! There are parallels with us grandparents who help look after our grandchildren!
This Sunday Graham Everness is filling in for Rev Liz who is away on holiday. He will be at both the 9.30 service at Ockley and the 10.30 at Capel. A huge thank you on behalf of all of us Graham, for being prepared to come and take services, particularly whilst we are still under COVID restrictions. Next Sunday Martin Gilpin will be preaching and giving Holy Communion at Capel and Ockley will have Matins led by their church wardening team.
I attach the readings and weekly sheet for this week along with the bishop’s sermon, this week given by Peter Harwood. The link to see the video is here:
Please note that due to the Prime Minister’s announcement this week the Pavilion Cafe in Ockley now hopes to restart on 21 July not 30 June as previously advertised. Some of the hard copies of the weekly sheets show the earlier date, but the one attached to this email is correct.
Lastly, the photo of the week is from the Friday Street NT carpark – a favourite view of mine showing the myriad of trees up against a stunning blue sky.
With love and prayers
Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008