weekly news sheet 23/08/2020

Dear Friends

This week we welcome Revd. Liz and Doug back from their holiday in Cornwall and the Sicily Isles. They tell me they missed most of the really hot weather as the sea breezes kept it cooler than here.

The building work at both churches continues. There are plans afoot for us to have a celebratory Harvest Festival weekend in October to show off the new lighting scheme at Capel, we may even be able to manage some socially distanced church teas! Watch this space!

This week’s photo is the view southwards from Abinger Roughs – we walked there this morning from Holmbury St Mary, we dodged the showers and had a wonderful time watching the Red Kites that are now so prolific here.

Do continue to let us know if there is anything we can do for you if you are still self isolating or worried about coming into church.

With love and prayers

Debbie von Bergen
07774 784008